Monday, June 11, 2007

Teaser: Saturday July 14th: Freedom to Read: Teen/Parent Discussion of The Giver

Hey, Teens and Parents!

Here's a chance for the parents out there to hear your teen discuss a book that has been viewed by some as controversial, and to learn about how your Teen Librarian makes choices on what to purchase for the Teen Department.

This program is geared towards Teens and their Parent(s) (or other adults of their choice).

No pre-registration is required.

Prior to the discussion group, both attendees should read one of the most challenged books in public and school libraries, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.

During the Parent/Teen book discussion group, we will begin with the teens will discussing "The Giver," followed by the adults' reactions to the book and the discussion had by the teens.
Lastly, the Teen Librarian will briefly describe Silverpatch Library's book selection policies and procedures for teens, stressing the importance of free access for young adults.

For more information some of the challenges against "The Giver," take a look at Wally Hastings' Children's Literature Page on "The Giver".

Contact Teen Librarians Lisa or Merci for more information: 574-926-0003.

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